Sunday, January 4, 2009

Take a Peak Inside the Womb

At 30 weeks pregnant I was given the opportunity to have a 3D ultrasound done that would enable us to actually "see" our baby. We debated whether or not it would detract from his arrival at birth. I had arguments for both sides, as did Robert. We both agreed that we would most certainly ruin the surprise of seeing our son for the first time at birth, but we also agreed that the technology was too fascinating not to have the experience. We decided to go ahead with the ultrasound.

I was not aware that there are several factors that can affect the visibility in the ultrasound. If there is too much amniotic fluid present around the baby it will distort the image. Also, if the baby is not positioned correctly you can run the risk of not being able to see him at all. Usually the technicians will suggest having the ultrasounds done between weeks 30 and 33. At this point in a woman's pregnancy the baby is small enough that it still has room to move around, but large enough that it has displaced quite a bit of the amniotic fluid. We got lucky and had all factors in our favor.

I was very much entertained by the experience, but I think I was more fascinated by the sounds and the images of the uterus. I couldn't get over the fact that I was peering into my own uterus! Another incredible part was seeing his movements on the screen and feeling them simultaneously. I must say I am glad that we did it, but I don't think we will do it again. So that you can share in our experience I have posted one of the short videos clips from the ultrasound. There are a few others to view in the album as well if you can't get enough! Enjoy!

From Videos

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my word, he was beautiful even then! love to you all. just think Amanda, we were teaching together when all of this was going on. your pregnancy was beutiful and so are you. love to all the stinnetts and especially evan