Thursday, January 19, 2012

15 Month Well Visit

Three shots, a pricked finger and a few thousand tears rounded out today's doctor's visit.  Nothing four colorful band-aids couldn't fix.  Mattie Jane's current numbers are:

Weight:  29 lbs 13 oz (95+%)
Height:  33 1/4 in (95+%)
Head Circumference:  50 cm (95+)

Oh boy, are we in the climbing stage now!  We have found this girl in the center of the dining room table several times, not to mention every chair and countertop she can get to.  It's rather frightening, to be honest.

There is a lot of jibberish being spoken, but a few words we are able to consistently decipher - thank you, ball, bye bye, hi, mama, dada, more, bath.

Mattie Jane loves to mimic and dance - we can turn on anything from classical to hip hop and she is movin' and groovin'. She has also really formed a love for bedtime stories.  Every night, after we put on her pajamas, she climbs into the rocker in her nursery letting me know she's ready for a story.

Our rough and tough tomboy seems to have a bit of an infatuation with shoes.  She loves to put them on and admire them on her feet.  She also loves necklaces and bracelets and appreciates when we tell her how pretty she looks.

We have an amazing little girl on our hands.  We wouldn't trade her for the world.


Score said...


Kylie said...

:) xo

jack said...

I'm glad to see she is in the 95% for head circumference. I was worried her head my end up being either too big or too small. Whew!!!!You guys dodged a serious bullet on that one.