Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ringing in 2011 Tar Heel Style

Wow - I am exhausted.

It was an eventful weekend spent with great friends - and unfortunately for Robert, they showed up on Thursday night to witness Carolina's win over the Vols.  We have waited for this match-up with great anticipation and I am so happy I can now taunt Robert with sheer pride and confidence.  Poor Evan - he was forced to be on the losing side as far as apparel goes, but I'm pretty sure I heard a few "Go Tar Heels" from him through out the game. Mattie made a perfect cheerleader and chose to dress appropriately.

In addition to a Tar Heel victory we also celebrated the arrival of a new year.  In attendance were Jessica, Kelly and Ella; Natalie and Abby; and Bill.  Mike didn't join us until Saturday due to a work obligation.  John, Fritze and Amanda were also with us via Skype.  Technology really is amazing.  We spent our evening in conversation and laughter - the best possible way in my opinion.  Robert and I realized how thankful we are to be back closer to our friends and look forward to spending a lot more time with them in the future.

As for the remainder of the weekend - we chased crazy children around.

1 comment:

Score said...

Cute! Love Mattie's outfit!