Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Gettting Closer

We've made it six months.  I'm not sure whether I feel like time has gone quickly or that we've had/have so much going on that I haven't been paying much attention - either way, we're here.

I mentioned before that MJ gives the womb quite a beating with her kicks and punches.  I don't even think this child sleeps because my insides aren't getting much of a break day or night.  We've definitely reached the point of alien nation - Robert's favorite part.  MJ throws her elbows or thrusts her feet and it looks like she may just break right through the skin.  Robert tends to get a little weirded out by this development.  You'd think I had a gigantic tape worm making an exit based on his reaction.

One symptom of pregnancy that I didn't deal with the first time was heart burn.  Man, I wish that was the case this time because it just plain sucks.  Every night when I start feeling nice and comfortable the burn sets in.  I can't pin point any certain foods that could be causing it so I'm assuming it's just a random symptom that I have to deal with.  I also am having horrible hip pain.  It has caused much conflict with my sleeping which I'm not very happy about.  But again, I realize it's just something I have to deal with - it comes with the pregnant territory. Oh boy, what joy.

I'll be 25 weeks on Friday.  Woot Woot!


Kylie said...

lookin good mama!

Laura M said...

have you searched you tube for swagger wagon? is this gonna be you?