Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Before I Forget

MJ had her two month check-up on Friday and I haven't had a chance to jot down her stats.  So real quick:  

weight:  13.13 lbs. - above 95%
height:  23.75 in - 95%
head circumference:  41.5 cm - 95%

The doctor also started MJ on a small dosage of Zantac hoping it will relieve some of her fussiness.  I'm not convinced that she suffers from acid reflux, but at this point, I'll try anything.  It seems we've been doing a whole lot of guessing when it comes to the fussiness and dairy and acid reflux seem to be the only possible causes - but neither are totally convincing.  I have a feeling we'll be guessing until the problem decides to resolve itself.


Emily Walker said...

She is such a big girl!:) She looks a lot like Evan! How precious. I hope her tummy (or whatever it is) feels better soon!:)

Score said...

Good Luck. Hopefully you'll solve the mystery soon. Can't wait to see her again.

Kylie said...

She's getting so big, goodness. I see Robert in her eyes :). Adorable.